Hi, I'm Andrew Tran-Chung. I was born and raised in Houston, Texas, and am the eldest of my parents’ two sons. I vividly remember the first wanting to become a priest when I was a child, imitating Father as he consecrated the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. It was then that I realized I sought a greater part in the celebration of the Eucharist. So what did I do? I asked my parents to sign me up for altar serving at the age of seven. Between then and high school, I always struggled with if God was truly calling me to be his servant and I think my discernment really reached a peak when it came time for college admissions. As I was interviewing with Yale for my applications and talking with my recruiter, I also was speaking with the vocation director for the Redemptorists of the Denver Province. Struggling between the two, I was really meditating and asking, “was God was really calling me?” I got an answer that week. After my senior year of high school, I joined the Redemptorists in the Bronx, where I’m studying philosophy at St. John’s University. What’s great about being in a community is we’re each unique individuals but when put together, we form a cohesive and harmonious group that allows us all to grow in our own way.
I'm so happy to be at the Rock this summer and am looking forward to the wonderful things we can do together in the next few weeks. My hope for the coming semester is that I’m able to build upon the foundation my parents laid for me growing up, one that is rooted in faith, prayer, family, and friends, and to further my discernment.
